About Dr. Benjamin Smith
Dr. Benjamin Smith is an Orthopaedic Surgeon practicing in Burlington, Ontario practicing in Sports Medicine, Trauma and Upper Extremity.
He is also medical director of ISM Rehab. He works in a model of inter collaborative care with the physiotherapists and massage therapist at ISM rehab.
He is also medical director of ISM Rehab. He works in a model of inter collaborative care with the physiotherapists and massage therapist at ISM rehab.
Dr. Benjamin Smith takes on medical learners (medical students, residents, fellows, Physician Assistant students). He has also lead Joint & Soft Tissue Injection Workshops to teach providers in primary care, Emergency medicine and other specialties an approach to injections.
Get referred to Dr. Benjamin Smith
In order to see Dr. Benjamin Smith, you must have your family physician refer you to Dr. Smith. Referrals may be directed to fax: 905-333-5107